Favorite Films of Facebook

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Created by Eli.Hayes.

Favorited 4 times, disliked 0 times, added to 1 watchlist.

Favorite Films of Facebook
An on-going experiment: to compile a list comprised of an indefinite number of contributors' fifteen favorite films.

Films that show up the most often in individual lists will be placed at the top of this list.

Thus far:
- Eli Hayes
- Patrick Devitt
- Jordan Allen
- Valtteri Lepisto
- Edgar Cochran
- Nick Kenyon
- Jackson Shrout
- Corley Johnson
- Henry Harrison
- Dexter Tomlin
- George McCann
- Derek Diercksmeier
- Paul Rai
- Nicholas Vassiliotis
- Jeremiah McNeil
- Scott Anderson
- Josh Taksier
- Jay Tilden
- Hunter Norris
- Lyzette Garcia
- Colin Chapman
- Matt Cullen
- Alex Robinson
- Jared Weil
- Mario Attie
- Amin Lumiere
- Rishi Kamath
- Josh Sundermeyer
- Zach Novak
- Guilherme Tissot
- Devin Shawver
- Mikael Stanggren
- Keith LaFountaine
- Robby Warren
- Anthony Roberts
- Nick Tedesco
- Julian Cheslow
- Alex Roman
- Antonio Iguaz
- Joseph Hansen
- Jack Welch
- Anthony Moyle
- Nahian Aziz
- Asif Khan
- Alex Koplan
- Henrik Loberg
- Happy Corleone
- Sumi Mathai
- Samuel James
- Craig Taylor
- Steve Moyle
- William Sinclair
- Rodney Sedgwick
- Robert Hummel
- Jerricson Sumague
- Bruno Youn
- Thomas Ringdal
- Varghese Eapen
- Ole Holgersen
- Matthew Ekstrom
- Jens Takle
- Bobby Beksinski
- Ian Hafer
- Evan Luxenberg
- Josh Spielman
- Milez Das
- Pedro Audette-Diaz
This is just the top 100 movies, the full list in source link.

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Last updated on Apr 21, 2016; source