Films Fatale Best Miniseries of All Time

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Created by flavo5000.

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"I’ve reached the final massive television based list I will be writing: the best miniseries of all time. In case you didn’t notice, there is no set number to this list like I typically have on my usual articles. There is a reason for this. I initially was going to set this list to fifty entries, which, as you can see (if you are reading this upon the release of this ranking), there are in fact fifty entries. I didn’t feel like one hundred would have worked out nicely, but I also saw that fifty wasn’t quite enough, and I’ll tell you why: I believe we are actually in the prime years of the miniseries medium. I can only imagine that they will keep getting better and better, or that we will have a consistent influx of great miniseries from here on out. That is already the case; you’ll notice how many 2010’s entries are here. I’ve been blown away by Pachinko whilst completing this list, and even then I feel like that there may be a spot for it on this list once my high settles.

That’s kind of the point. More than any list I’ve written so far, I feel like there is room for so much fluctuation on this list. So I start off with fifty, but I want this list to be a fluid one that I can keep adding to here and there. I’ll be updating every list when I notice something I’ve missed before (for retrospective lists) or watch something newer that feels fitting, but I purposefully want this miniseries list to progressively evolve over time, especially since I feel like there is a great chance that it will (and soon, too). One other note I should bring up is the first bits of crossover you’ll notice on any of my lists, and I must explain myself. When I first started Films Fatale, I intended on covering films and films alone. I’ve clearly branched out and have begun covering television contents (in big enough doses, too). There are a number of TV “films” that have made my films list that you will find here. Instead of pulling them out of my previous lists, or updating my other lists with a plethora of miniseries, I just figured that some crossover is fine. I didn’t think this far ahead. Whatever. It’s fine.

Back on the topic at hand, I must say that this is the perfect way to round up all of my lists, which have taken two and a half years (!) of work, as I began with film content, branched out into television analyses, and now have bridged the two with the closest amalgamation they can possibly ever have (outside of TV movies): the miniseries. What stories are best told in a medium-length art form (not film-length short or long form series extremities). Additionally, if a series started off as a miniseries but kept going, I’ll consider these first seasons. If they’re anthological miniseries in the guise of one overall show, they will be considered as well (and the specific “seasons” I want to include will be highlighted). Here are the best miniseries of all time; be sure to keep in touch with this list, as it will be growing from time to time."

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