All movies

  1. Algy's Awful Auto

    1913 Check
  2. All's Well That Ends Well

    1914 Check
  3. An American in the Making

    1913 Check
  4. Bread Upon the Waters

    1913 Check
  5. A Campaign Manageress

    1913 Check
  6. A Circumstantial Nurse

    1914 Check
  7. A Circus Romance

    1914 Check
  8. Cupid's Lieutenant

    1913 Check
  9. The Decoy

    1914 Check
  10. Friday the Thirteenth

    1913 Check
  11. The Girl of the Seasons

    1914 Check
  12. Her Awakening

    1914 Check
  13. Her First Lesson

    1914 Check
  14. Her Right to Happiness

    1913 Check
  15. Her Way

    1914 Check
  16. His Enemy

    1914 Check
  17. His Imaginary Family

    1913 Check
  18. The Hold-Up

    1914 Check
  19. In Her Sleep

    1914 Check
  20. The Law of Humanity

    1913 Check
  21. The Little Church Around the Corner

    1913 Check
  22. The Little Señorita

    1914 Check
  23. Lobster Salad and Milk

    1913 Check
  24. Looking for Trouble

    1913 Check
  25. Love's Flame

    1920 Check
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