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Comments 31 - 45 of 142

TheBanana's avatar


This movie is good, but way way overrated.
11 years 9 months ago
Eddyspeeder's avatar


It scores 9/10 on IMDb? Wow... I watched it with a freelance movie critic and we've spent at least an hour afterwards doing what he called "a necroscopy" of the film: its flaws, its cheesy conversations, its unnecessary characters and undervaluation of important characters, its plot twists for which no clues are given anywhere... Sure, it had its good points but it was mainly in the drama genre for the first half and also somewhat of a comedy than an action movie, and luckily we also had our differences on what we liked or didn't like about it. But 9/10? No way.
11 years 9 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Lacking in the tense plot intricacies of The Joker in "The Dark Knight", "The Dark Knight Rises" is nonetheless an entertaining, albeit unsurprising, film.

In terms of memorability, "The Dark Knight Rises" can't hold a candle to "The Dark Knight" but there are some good scenes. In particular, Anne Hathaway is a delight as Selina Kyle, the cat burglar, and Joseph Gordon Levitt continues his excellent half-decade of hit movie performances with a turn as cop John Blake.

Unfortunately, the villain Bane isn't given a lot to do other than a few fights and growled one-liners. It seems like Nolan simply forgot to include a good plot for our masked mad-man.

Decent, but not the epic, amazing conclusion we all hoped it would be.

7.9 out of 10
11 years 9 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Several years ago a sports doctor wrote a book called "Becoming Batman" about the physical training it would take to be Batman and the plausible effects on the body it would have. He complained that the comics never acknowledged the concussive damage Batman would sustain from repeated blows to the head. He also noted that Batman would probably have to train for 12 years and could expect to have only about 3 good years of fighting as Batman.

I think Nolan was aware of this book and took its advice for the latest cript, since the movie not only has a similar doctor mention the significant damage to Wayne's cartilage and brain, but also suggests Wayne was only Batman for about several years before retiring eight years ago. (Becomes Batman at about age 29-30, and Bale is about 40 in latest movie)

11 years 9 months ago
vishnu's avatar


its not great, its not perfect and all... but when it ends, you'll be clapping!
11 years 10 months ago
iTouchedLemmy's avatar


If you're going to cheat, then you should at least check movies that are available to watch. Dumbasses.
12 years ago
jipdeluxe's avatar


Already overhyped
12 years 5 months ago
firewordsparkler's avatar


Oh wow people seem to hate this film in the comments. I thought it was fine. Obviously, compared to the first two movies in the trilogy, it fell a little flat, but I did think it tied up the Ras Al Ghul storyline nicely. I think they made the film far grander than it needed to be, and the politics of the film were confusing. But I enjoyed Joseph Gordon Levitt's performance, and I didn't finish the film disappointed.
4 years ago
junegoon's avatar


Heroic flick
5 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Starting with a couple of recent blockbusters I could not see at the movie theater for schedule reasons... The Dark Knight Rises probably benefits from my seeing it in my living room, since my bony ass didn't need to survive its indulgent(?) 2:45 hours in a theater seat. I should really just make a point of waiting for the DVD on anything that's more than 2 hours long. So after consensus-building hit that was The Dark Knight, the odds were stacked against the third part of the trilogy. Tell you what, it works best AS a trilogy's finale, and less well as a stand-alone film. Batman Begins didn't have a lot of baggage going in, and TDK had a more thought-provoking theme, but neither was perfect (loud but flat action scenes, Daredevil vision). So it is with TDKR. What I like is that Nolan doesn't try to stick to the comics, which makes for quite a few surprise twists (the most satisfying being the ones I'd guessed at then discarded and forgotten). It's more fanboy-proof than most. And it's a story the comics can't really do, can they? A fun Catwoman, an interesting Bane (sadly, they've put an interesting actor like Hardy in a mask that hides his expressions), and plot threads that go back to Begins. In many ways, Batman has always been the weakest part of these films (can't get Abed out of my head), and he's not in it that much. That's far from a condemnation. Plenty of Bruce Wayne, lots of great actors besides, and the audience identifier, Detective Blake, played by the always watchable Joseph Gordon-Levitt. So, IS the length indulgent? In the final analysis, I don't think so, but then I'm seeing the trilogy as a long novel and I want each of those scenes to be in there, the characters to have that depth because of them.
6 years 3 months ago
ntan's avatar


People love hating on The Dark Knight Rises. I would put it second to last above Following (simply because he didn't have the budget to put to screen what was in his head, like Aronofsky's Pi). And yeah, it's hugely cliché-ridden and has a pretty ridiculous third act.

But it's a lot of fun. For such a dark movie that's almost 3 hours long, it's a good watch. It's got well-choreographed action scenes (except for a certain rooftop scene) and an intriguing villain in Bane.

Although comic fans may have been disappointed in the execution. And the expectations after Ledger's Joker.

Anne Hathaway is great, but Marion Cotillard isn't nearly as good as she was in Inception.

All in all, it doesn't deserve the hate it gets, but it isn't Nolan's best.

6 years 5 months ago
SkilledLunatic's avatar


It's not garbage but it's no masterpiece either. If you think about it, the previous two films (mainly TDR) were so popular, that this one just went with the flow. see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQJuGeqdbn4
@SlappinSilly no one could understand what the f*ck Bane was saying.
10 years 9 months ago
Thief's avatar


Meh, I really wasn't that crazy about it. But then again, I wasn't as crazy about the previous two, other than Heath Ledger's performance. Ok film, but far from great.

Here's my blog entry about it.
11 years 3 months ago
pallmallandcoke's avatar


such a rip off from Good Will Hunting's scene - Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (not answering the door) = Michael Caine and Bruce Vayne (sitting across from the table); it's the same damn ending.
11 years 4 months ago
george4mon's avatar


@thaleya, watch mysterious skin and 500 days of summer.
11 years 6 months ago

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