DisneyStitch's comments

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DisneyStitch's avatar


The entire sequence when we first see Diesel is straight up a flawless commercial for a World Cup promo, LOL like wow.
1 month ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Incredibly generic. I thought that Cobie Smulders could add a little pizzazz but she plods along throughout the film being one dimensional. Just another sequel that was wholly unnecessary, you can skip this one.
1 month ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


One of those movies where you can just sit back, munch some popcorn, and enjoy. It's action packed enough to be very entertaining and has enough of the thriller and investigative elements to balance it all out. Not the kind of film to win any awards but a fine watch.
1 month 1 week ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It's a bare bones "back to basics" story compared to the vast majority of the previous movies and I guess that's good. The thing is I'm not sure too many people are really going nuts for this franchise anymore. Seems kind of old and worn out. Curious how the new crossover universe is going to go with spoiler.
2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


After the major misstep that was Quantum, Skyfall is a return to form that we had been awaiting since Craig's first performance wrapped up. Javier Bardem elevates the film to an incredible level and I think securely sits atop the mountain for best villain in the Craig era. Don't get me wrong, Waltz was good as Blofeld but the writing and tone of the next film really held him back from being extraordinary. The action and emotion of each scene hits home and it's visible that great care was taken with this one.
2 months 2 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


This really struck me as one of those filler movies that you'd see in Old Hollywood where a star was under contract to a particular studio and the execs wanted to get their money's worth so they just cranked out an idea and went with it. Bogart gets virtually no character arc throughout the entire runtime. He starts off a morally repugnant character spoiler The plot was ripe for a lot of good character development and excitement but ultimately seems such a pointless venture. Bogart wasn't the only casualty of having no arc, the plot doesn't either.
5 months 4 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I was expecting to really enjoy this but instead found it to be a stunningly average film. To make a movie for kids but also be able to capture the attention and interest of an adult watching can be tricky and I don't think it accomplished that for me. Clichés abound and the animation was the only thing it has going for it. Throughout the entire runtime it felt incredibly amateur with the story and the humor in particular. Fairly disappointed.
6 months 1 week ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I vividly remember reading the book because I couldn't put it down no matter how hard I tried. In the novel I think Krakauer deliberately weighs the starry-eyed sense of adventure with the more practical observations of a boy headed for destruction rather well and it's something that translates well into the film. They definitely seemed to focus a bit more on the parent aspect of the story and there are a few choice lines of dialog that can very easily cement the feeling that Alex is almost the villain of the story and just a self-absorbed, arrogant individual. Alex's sister would later go on to write her own book regarding the family's early trials and went into morbid detail about the parental abuse they both witnessed as children. She would go on to say "I don't blame Walt and Billie for his death, but I do hold them accountable for his disappearance..." It really is imperative to understand the whole story and you really won't get it all from this film.

Some see it as nothing more than a tale of one man's sheer arrogance and casual disrespect for nature that leads to downfall but I think it's always been more than that. McCandless in many ways represents our own desire to strike out on our own and see the world, live life, and meet new people. It's a child's wish that he actually lived out and the story stands as both simultaneously a triumph and a warning. You can pursue your dreams, but more often than not they have teeth of their own and can bite you, sometimes fatally.
6 months 2 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Kind of surprised at the amount of comments frustrated with the lack of historical accuracy. If that's what you expected or are looking for then... lol, I think you've got the wrong series of movies, friends. In some ways it's more of the same compared to the first one but so much has been lost over time. The original was very much a product of its time and was buoyed by the CGI environments being something somewhat new. It doesn't have the magic it used to. It also doesn't help that the original became a modern day cult classic and practically has its own section among meme culture. You aren't going to catch that lightning in a bottle twice. The blood effects were also incredibly overdone to the point of being comical. Every slash of the sword emits a repetitive flower shaped gush that gets old so fast.
6 months 2 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Going into it I had no idea it was an homage to B-horror movies of old but it becomes rather obvious before long. Very well thought out and it captured the vibe of oldies horror pretty well. The movies it's paying tribute to were not shy to spoiler
6 months 3 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Not only is it an immaculate action film but it also captures that gritty 80's vibe with pure style. Willis is of course great, but Rickman sets a new standard for action movie villains. An incredibly influential film and not to be missed, kind of a tongue-in-cheek Christmas favorite.
6 months 3 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Criminally unfunny. The beats are way off and the gags manage to fall totally flat. Price delivers his lines like he's somewhere between disinterested and mentally searching for how anything he's saying could be considered humorous. And wow, first time I'd ever seen Jack Nicholson look young.
6 months 3 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Just like the previous installment, the animation is out of this world. Bringing Gwen more to the forefront was an interesting choice and it really serves to elevate the rest of the characters. So far this series has managed to make the multiverse concept very entertaining while I find it a serious turnoff with Marvel's live action offerings. The creativity is off the scales and actually comes from the animators acting out what's going to be on screen beforehand in order to get it right. A lot of improv came from all that, you remember the kid licking the train window? That was born from an improv.
6 months 4 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Patty Duke's acting will rock your socks off. A tour de force of a true story and an incredible display of willpower and determination. It's wonderfully filmed with good performances all around.
6 months 4 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I can't remember watching a movie and being so utterly desperate for the lighting to not be so dark. It's enough to make you feel like your vision is slowly failing the more you watch and even the daylight scenes are purposely darkened. It's very difficult to care about or invest yourself into something when you're looking at a black screen. This movie thinks it's far more clever than it is and didn't pack the punch I was hoping for. The twists and turns are incredibly self-serving and not crafted with any pizazz. Villeneuve is under the impression that as long as the movie has a twist then that means it's automatically good, but that's not the case. It's called the "M. Night Shyamalan effect."
7 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I liked it, and especially how it keeps you off balance for a lot of the film. Bogart's very well written voiceover does exactly what it's intended to do and rarely fails at being entertaining.
7 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Keaton is a great way to get into silent films. His energy and charisma lights the screen up and keeps you engaged throughout the whole venture. Really looking forward to seeing more of his offerings.
7 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Such a pointless villain makes for a lackluster adventure. Forget Oscar Isaac, you might as well have had AI play the part of Apocalypse and provide the voiceover for his lines for all the development he has. The whole plot of the last movie was "mutants are dangerous, we have to deal with them" and wow, that couldn't have been more true during this one. There's no way the human race is ok with mutants after this one. spoiler They tried to almost squeeze an Avengers-level threat into the plot of a single movie and it just doesn't fly.
7 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Like the other films, the now trilogy is really a fascinating look into relationships and romantic feelings put to screen. It's almost a bit like watching a documentary and feels so incredibly realistic. Each one of the films is a worthy film study in of itself. All 3 required viewing if you're a lover of cinema.
7 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I don't really think the X-men universe really works anymore so it's probably for the best that they are converting over to the mainstream MCU which is currently in shambles. The entire POV of the human race that has been a driving factor in pretty much every one of the films has lost all of its luster. I think I've also got some serious X-men fatigue with all the personal drama that continues to spring up between the characters. Maybe when a superhero team first gets together that drama is well warranted but dragging it out film after film gets incredibly tiresome and eats up so much time that could be spent on other avenues.

If there's anything that this quadrilogy of films has made abundantly clear it's that humans/mutants simply can't coexist. The events of the last film effectively slammed the door shut on that. Hilariously enough, I know that Dinklage's character in Days was meant to be portrayed as the bad guy but in retrospect he seems pretty much vindicated. spoiler

And that whole spoiler plotline felt so mediocre like the writing staff is just done with this series. Chastain, who is a well accomplished actress is reduced to a role that actually requires her to put in a phoned-in performance. The only redeeming factor is the train battle which has a cool few moments involving Magneto and that is literally the only thing worth showing up for.

There's no "X-men" in the title of the movie almost as if it's ashamed to even present itself as part of the series. That says a lot.
7 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Wonderful Bogart film. He has some serious chemistry with Gloria Grahame and it really makes the screen pop. Not knowing precisely if Bogie is guilty, innocent, or at least capable of the crime is played out to full effect and drives the story forward. Even Martha Stewart's short role is crafted in such a way that you feel for her almost immediately, and Gloria Grahame is great.
7 months 1 week ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Though I can't comment on how accurate or truthful the issues it portrays are, this is without question one of the best examples of intertwining actual footage of world events and modern moviemaking. It's so seamless that you have to almost continually remind yourself that a good amount of licence is probably being taken with the material but it's also so easy to fall right down the rabbit hole. It's an incredible ride.
7 months 1 week ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I think I liked it better than the first movie. It's very short and flies by but it fits because the entire film takes place in real time. It's incredibly filmed and laid out in that way. Taking these two movies as a whole it's amazing how they portray the chemistry between the two characters with regards to the scriptwork. Neither movie has a long period of time to work with and so the dialog is crafted in such a way to very slowly and gently build to a believable conclusion. Great care was taken. spoiler
7 months 1 week ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Romantic movies are a bit outside my usual jurisdiction but this one was well filmed and acted despite not really being my cup of tea. A lot of great cinematography abounds and it's very grounded. The part where they're both pretending to be on the phone at the restaurant was magic.
7 months 1 week ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It's a little bit of a copy of Casablanca in some ways but still a delightful post-war picture with Bogart fully in the driver's seat.
7 months 1 week ago

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