ChrisReynolds's comments - page 14

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ChrisReynolds's avatar


Part Scooby-Doo mystery, part Sixth Sense rip-off, with all the crossed-purposes that implies. Amazing that there are so many top actors in this, but even they can't make the dialogue and character actions believable.
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Beautifully shot and melancholy, with great acting from everybody involved. I don't think it quite achieves everything it sets out to spoiler, and the film occasionally had scenes that I felt were extraneous
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


I watched it despite the rating I personal got this movie, I understood it. 2/10
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Starts off quite well, with some slightly edgy black humour and some exploration of how people might cope with the end of the world, but it quickly drops this to use the apocalypse as the backdrop to a romantic road-trip movie aimed at the indie crowd. It does this passably well, apart from some sentimental bits towards the end, but suffers heavily from comparisons with "Melancholia", which is the same story but actually meaningful.
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Very sweet, appropriately enough.
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Tedious retread of the excellent 1990 version. This is badly paced, boring and terribly written. For no real reason, all the interesting stuff about Mars from the original is taken out and replaced with nonsense about people inexplicably having to commute through the planet to go to work, and Bryan Cranston trying to invade Australia with robots. Otherwise, the film recreates memorable scenes from the original, but rewritten so that they become stilted, drawn-out and confusing. Even the cinematography is unoriginal: a lens-flare filled, washed-out look lifted heavy-handedly from innumerable recent sci-fi films, and mixed with endless uninteresting CGI. Only Kate Beckinsale looks like she's having fun.
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Strange film more interested in symbolism and cinematography than narrative. It starts off quite interestingly, but gets increasingly dull as it moves towards the end and has nothing to sustain itself with beyond the Buddhist imagery.
11 years 1 month ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Actually Tarantino gives four categories of movie quality: "Top 11", "Others considered in no particular order", "Nice Try" and "Worst". From this I gather that "Nice Try" comes below "Others considered", meaning he didn't even consider it for his top list. "Others considered" contains 18 movies, including Green Lantern, Green Hornet and Hangover 2.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Emily Browning gives a great performance, and the atmosphere of coldness, alienation and ennui was very well done. However, I did feel that a lot of the dialogue was poor, and towards the end it becomes repetitive and ends abruptly. All the characters are intentionally dislikeable but they also feel very artificial.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Painful to watch: a terrible horror spoof with no funny jokes and whose sense of comic timing is to pace everything as fast as possible. It does hold interest in that it becomes so bizarre and complex, so self-referential, mannered and filled with every stylistic tic imaginable, that it feels almost like an experimental film.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Interesting drama with impressive psychological depth and some excellent acting. It captures the daily grind of police procedure well. Unfortunately, even with the languid pacing, this felt far too long. I think the problem was mainly in the first half, possibly due to a combination of scripting and editing, because after spoiler, everything seems to pick up as the film starts to concentrate on particular characters and plot strands.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Very good. The direction and writing is brilliant, and it really captures a feeling of downbeat Britishness. It does lose a bit of momentum in the second half though, and I didn't think it was as good as "Kill List".
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Performances are great, and Julianne Moore in particular is incredible; she's absolutely magnetic all the time she's on screen. Dialogue is quite good. On the other hand, the plot is a really hackneyed and unoriginal collection of soap opera storylines, and most of the plot threads just seem to fizzle out without resolution.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


A huge disappointment. At the start I thought it was going to be really good; it's well acted and beautifully shot, but then it becomes clear that the script is a huge weak point: it's too obvious what's going to happen and the film becomes sanctimonious and contrived.I would recommend the Norwegian film Ondskan for a much better treatment of the themes of bullying and revenge.

edit: As Knaldskalle notes, Ondskan is Swedish. My mistake.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Hilary Swank and Chloe Sevigny give amazing performances and hold the movie together. The film suffers possibly because it's being helmed by a first-time director, so the direction feels very flat and uninspired. However, when the last half-hour arrives, it's heartbreaking.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


This film looks amazing, like a Celtic illumination come to life. At its best, the art and the score combine to produce moments that are achingly beautiful. Acting is very good, with actors doing very well with characters who are often quite uninteresting, Aisling excepted; she's amazing and there should have been more of her.
There are a lot of problems with the story, which jumps around a lot, and the pacing, which seems very off, I think because there are a lot of cuts all the time, even in scenes which should be slow, meaning that the moments which should be tense, calm, horrifying, or sad never get a chance to make an impact.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


How a French family and their friends cope with moving on from, or into, relationships with others. Perfectly pleasant and admirably naturalistic, but the lives of the characters and their interactions held little interest for me.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Terrible, saccharine, patronising movie about unlikeable characters teaching each other "life-affirming" lessons about taking responsibility. Also, for a film with a message about taking responsibility for your life, changes for the better in the characters' lives are always triggered by them being told what to do or manipulated by another character. The Simon character is especially controlling, even insisting on ordering his girlfriend's food for her. Naturally he's portrayed as perfect husband material.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Rather poor scare attempt where people wander around a house while things go bump in the dark until a muddled twist at the end. That's not to say that the film doesn't generate some effective tension and jumps, and the impression of a single continuous shot for the whole film is slightly interesting, but there needed to be a much tighter script that pared down useless chit-chat and ensured that there was a better pay-off. To her credit, Elizabeth Olsen is fantastic, holding everything together to a degree, and much better than this film deserves.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Good movie with a great performance from Michelle Rodriguez at its heart. The boxing scenes are impressive, but the relationship and domestic material is a lot less successful.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Starts off well with some good acting and funny lines, though this was balanced out by my eyes rolling a lot at the hackneyed moments. As the film went on, it became a rather creepy study of obsession, stalking and manipulation. Characters continually debate the existence of destiny, which is personified as Tom Hanks' loathsome little kid who's pulling all the strings.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


A great film, a stunning meditation on death, anger, spirituality and revenge. It contains moments of chilling beauty and an admirably controlled atmosphere of despair that builds until being purged by the purifying imagery of the final scene.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Great performances from a exceptional cast full of British talent telling an important story, but the film was often far too whimsical or heavy-handed for me, and the writing was very clumsy: the dialogue seemed unnatural, and the villains were all very thinly characterised.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


After the mess of the first Dredd film, which tried to cram as many iconic comicbook elements as possible into a hackneyed 3-act structure, this sequel goes for a more simplistic action narrative. Everywhere the first film fails, this succeeds, unfortunately it never seems to rise above the simple storyline and often falls prey to cliches. There are moments when the narrative gains some real energy and it feels like the film is about to take off, but it never does. Overall, it's quite good, but it lacks the wit, satire and intelligence that the comics had in abundance and which would have made this into something other than a standard action flick.
11 years 2 months ago
ChrisReynolds's avatar


Hilarious to watch a host of top actors humiliate themselves with ABBA karaoke. Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep sing very well. Colin Firth and Pierce and Brosnan are astonishingly bad singers.
Very enjoyable in a camp and ironic way, despite choreography and screenplay being terrible.
11 years 2 months ago

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