mpouk's comments - page 2

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mpouk's avatar


I find hard to fathom the animosity towards this movie. A highly original take on the origin of a western myth coupled with a modern perspective on the economic forces that shaped the west. It takes its cue from "Once upon a time in the west" and examines the coercive forces behind the advent of the railway that resulted in accelerating the extinction of the Native American population. Despite its several well balanced comedy moments, it is after all a bitter tale depicting the modernisation of the west as a showcase for the strongest who sets up the rules and draws the laws of the land.
Brilliantly executed set-pieces like the final railway pursuit, some lyrical interludes like the backstory of Johnny Depp's character, and a consistently inventing storyline make the Lone Ranger one of the most subversive and innovative Hollywood films of the last 15 years, a movie that will be reappraised in time to come.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


The first scene of mass panic is effective and skillfully done, but the script soon regresses to a globe-trotting hyperbole that even the lean and atmospheric third act cannot salvage. Some plot points are also outright ridiculous.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


A mega-budget sci-fi movie with a social agenda is not something that comes every year from the Hollywood machinery. It uses the sci-fi tropes in order to speak about the growing social disparities of the present and in particular the access to health care. It follows a fairly standard 3 act structure with the exhibition very convincingly done so that the viewer feels the injustice and roots for the reversal of the state of things. True, the last part is action filled, yet the kinetic action sequences are exciting and the cartoonish villains disturbingly creepy. The mythical aspects of the script that the movie aspires to are less succesful though, yet it remains one of the best examples of sci-fi that came out of the studio system in the last 10-15 years.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Brilliantly sumptuous style that perfectly captures a society trapped in a circle of perennial self-indulgence, which stifles any meaningful human value. A portrait of utter decadence without become itself decadent is not an easy coup and Sorrentino's film fully succeeds in it by subtly maintaining a notion of human loss . A modern classic with many memorable, superbly imagined and executed scenes.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


The low key style and the good performances capture well the feeling of the era, however the plot development is feeble and leads some of the characters' actions and motives seeming inconsequential and arbitrary. Generally it fails to reach its loft aspirations (Badlands mainly) being noticeable less than the sum of its parts, yet it is not devoid of interest.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Great attention to the production design and the battle sequences are done with great care and imagination but the script and characters make it unsuitable for anyone above the tender age of 15. It feels like a waste of talent, alas.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Terrific entertainment without further ambitions, the brilliantly conceived ending still maintains its punch and originality almost 20 years and several imitations after. An always recurring cinematic question is whether a film character can be in full control of the film narration as this film implies or there are always "objective" moments where the narrator is the omniscient film director.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


First class science fiction fable that imaginatively combines live action with animation sequences. The exploration on how technology influences and somehow determines our sense of identity is done with rigour and without recursions to the banal as in most of the high-calibre Hollywood fare.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Consistently brilliant cerebral puzzle on the unseen boundaries of communication and human contact.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


The idea of bringing Freud and Sherlock Holmes together is excellent and the script combines rather deftly mystery with comedy. It would have benefited from a less perfunctory direction, but it is nonetheless very entertaining and one of the best entries in the Sherlock Holmes' film canon.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Very slight storyline with some finely observed moments that eventually devolves to whimsy. Nothing on a par with the incisive dramas of Mike Leigh or Ken Loach.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Concise, beautifully shot period piece set in the great depression replete with laconic and archetypal characters. More a fable of survival against all odds than a social commentary of its period, it nevertheless captures implicitly the despair of the 30s. Probably Walter Hill's best film.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


It may seem like a derivative of the superior "The Hustler", but is a good movie on its own right. It avoids glamorizing the McQueen character by portraying him as too reckless and victory-hungry against the smooth and professional Robinson with both actors giving excellent performances. Certainly one of the best films on poker.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Some non-cgi old fashioned scenes are quite effective, however sooner rather than later the whole film collapses in a sub-variant of the Exorcist without the latter's subtext.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Lean plot, effective action pieces and cool archetypal characters make this a good example of the neo-noir genre.It lacks, however, the existential urgency or the social dimension of the best films of the genre.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Solid sense of location and place (nocturnal New York rarely filmed in such detail) somehow compensate for card-board characters and unsubstantial storyline.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Dreadfully sentimental and superficial take on the history of civil rights in USA in the last century. Dramatically underwhelming with most crucial moments telegraphed rather than developed.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


One of the most serious treatments of psychoanalysis in film, subtle, brilliantly acted, and relentlessly challenging.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Michael Caine is predictably good but the uninspired direction and trivial plot condemn the film to mediocrity at best.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Stodgily and by the numbers scripted, but retains some interesting moments of its source material mainly due to Jeremy Irons' character and performance. Not entirely disposable as one might be inclined to think.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


One of Woody Allen's most poignant dramas, an incisive portrait of a guiltless delusion.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


An interesting take on dealing with ageing and loss with two excellent performances that is nevertheless marred by a rather uncertain script.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Totally gripping with captivating characters and performances. Great entertainment, one of Ron Howard's best films.
10 years 7 months ago
mpouk's avatar


Excellent performances, realistic atmosphere, cleverly constructed plot and an emphasis on ethical dilemmas make Prisoners one of the best thrillers of the last decade.
10 years 7 months ago

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